Semantic MediaWiki and Page Forms training

From Wiki Valley - MediaWiki hosting and consulting

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Semantic MediaWiki and Page Forms training

Objectives of the training[edit]

  • Know how Semantic MediaWiki works
  • Be able to tag semantic data
  • Be able to make queries and display results in different formats

Content of the training (1 day)[edit]


Semanticize elements within your wiki[edit]

  • Page Property Value triplets
  • The two methods to semanticize a value
  • Semanticize a value with the VisualEditor WYSIWYG editor
  • The different types of possible values
  • Set up a property
  • Information to fill in on the properties page
  • Special properties first approach

Semantic queries[edit]

  • Display the value of a property for a given page
  • Display the list of pages that meet one or more criteria
  • Display the list of pages that meet one criterion or another (OR)
  • Advanced query conditions
  • View the list of pages and the value of their properties
  • Query parameters
    • Limit the number of results
    • Order results
    • Change column headers
    • Display a message when there are no results
    • Display a message before and/or after the results
  • Make subqueries

The different display formats provided by...[edit]

...Semantic MediaWiki[edit]

  • Display a wide table or by ordered, unordered, comma-separated list
  • Display identically to category pages
  • Format results with templates
  • Show only the number of results of a query
  • Display in a machine-readable format: csv, dsv, json, rdf

=... the extension Semantic Result Formats[edit]

  • Graphics: D3, Dygraphs, Google bar and pie, jqPlot series and chart, Sparkline, Timeserie
  • for export: BibTex, Excel, iCalendar, vCard
  • Mathematics: average, max, min, sum, product, median...
  • Temporals: calendar, event, timeline and events, newer, older

Create forms with Page Forms[edit]

(Formerly Semantic Forms) this extension allows the creation of forms for manual entry of semantic data without the need to know the Semantic MediaWiki syntax

  • Objectives of the forms
  • Semantic models
  • Associate multiple values with a property
  • Create or edit a form
  • Attach a form to a template
  • Form fields
  • The free text box
  • Action buttons
  • Link a page to a form

Advanced features of Page Forms[edit]

  • Propose one or more forms during a page creation
  • Ensure that a requested page is created automatically with such form
  • Edit subobjects with Page Forms
  • Display external data in models
  • Allow the user to overload an external value through the form.
  • Dynamic display of fields (show on select)
  • Format a date
  • Create recurring events and display them on a calendar

Other extensions based on Semantic MediaWiki[edit]

  • Semantic Drilldown' provides a multi-criteria search page to filter results with just a few clicks.

Back to the list of all MediaWiki training[File:SemanticMediaWiki Logo.png|250px|link=|center| SemanticMedia course semantic wiki and Wikipedia|alt=SemanticMedia course semantic wiki and Wikipedia]]

Trainee testimonials[edit]

In answer to the question "What is your general opinion on the content of the training? "

"Enriching training allowing the discovery of a new tool that is both simple and complex"

Jérôme, Front-end/dev back end at Atypic

"Very interesting and very complete"

Nicolas pmp project manager

"Very adapted to the demand and personalized. Very competent trainer in the field"

Sylvain, works at the pmp

"Good training. Content adapted to our all-round services"

Frédéric, BEA investigator.

"Very complete"

Olive tree

"Very good and adapted to expectations"


"Useful training"

Agent BEA

"Very favorable, very interesting to know the various features of the tool. "


Training Prerequisites[edit]

  • Have followed the Initial and Intermediate Training on MediaWiki including the part on templates

Information and registration for training[edit]

  • Par téléphone : +33 (0)1 85 08 91 99 ou +33 (0)6 73 10 97 88 ou +33(0)6 85 06 56 58
  • Par mail

Other wiki training[edit]

Wiki Valley SAS training provider registered under the number 27250312325. This registration does not constitute approval by the State